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Set up and send push messages

Types of Push Messages

Before starting to send out your push notifications, it's essential to determine how you want to send them and what goal you aim to achieve. 
Nashpush offers users three different types to send push notifications:
  • One-time push - if you want to send your subscribers a specific message at a specific time (news, promotion, etc.)
  • Periodical push - allows you to set up push notifications with a certain frequency (for example, every Monday or the first of the month, daily at a certain time, etc.).
  • Event-triggered push - allows you to send a push after a certain event on your website/application (for example, send a push after subscription or after a subscriber has added a product to the cart).
To better understand the settings for each of these types, figure out three key elements: whom, what, and when.Whom - selecting the audience of subscribers to whom you want to send push notifications;What - is the push notification/s itself and the settings of its content;When - at what time and how often you want to send the push notification/s.

First steps

For each type, the first step is the same: on the left panel, click Add → Push message or in the Push messages section, click the + New push button:
After this step, you'll see a pop-up where you'll need to enter a Push name. This is how you'll identify the push you've created among others later on. You'll also need to select the subscriber base/domain (Database) that this push will be sent to. Then click Create.
Afterwards, you have to choose the type of push notification:

One-time push

This type is designed for sending a single specific push notification, with a specific message, at a specific time. It's quite a convenient tool for informing your audience about certain information. This could be an announcement of a promotion, news, declaration, etc.
How to set up One-time push:
  1. Сlick Add → Push message, enter a name in the pop-up, choose a subscriber base, and on the next page select One-time push:
2. Choose who will receive the push: all subscribers of the database or a specific segment:
If you choose "Sent to Subscribed users," the push will be sent to all the subscribers of the database you selected in the previous step.
If you select "Send to a particular segment," you will see a dropdown menu where you can choose previously created segments, and a button "Create a new segment" to create a new segment right now.3. Set up the content of the push notification. Here, you will have to fill in the push title, the main message, add an image, and an icon that will be displayed next to your site's name. The appearance of the push notification depends on the platform and browser. Nashpush allows you to see a preview of your message for all devices:
4. Add a Target URL. This is the page the subscriber will land on after clicking on the push notification.Additionally, you can add buttons to your push and specify the pages to which they will lead the user (additional Target URLs):
5. Set the time for sending the push notification: immediately after creation or at a specific date and time (custom time):
6. In the Advanced settings section, you can configure the collection of certain data and pass them through the campaign link in the tracker (for example, Voluum, Keitaro, AdsBridge). To do this, add the necessary parameters to the link of your push campaign.7. To complete the process of configuring and sending the push notification, click Send push. The Save as a draft option allows you to save the settings in drafts and complete it later:

Event-triggered push

With the Event-triggered push option, you can set up the sending of a push notification following an event. An event is a specific action taken by a subscriber on your website: subscribing, registering, adding to cart, visiting a page, etc. In simple terms, you need to install a code on a button, and when a user clicks it, an event occurs, and the push is sent (immediately or after some time, depending on how you configure the timing). For example, if you want to send a push when a user clicks the “Register” button, you need to add a piece of code from our instructions, and in the dispatch settings, add the name of this event (the name in the code and the event name must match).How to set up Event-triggered push:
  1. Сlick Add → Push message, enter a name in the pop-up, choose a subscriber base, and on the next page select Event-triggered push
  2. Choose whom to send to - the entire subscriber base or a specific segment.
  3. Select an Event - an action on the site that will trigger the sending of the push. To add an event to your site, you need to take the line of code specified in the instructions and place it in the part of your site's code where this event is described (it's better to ask your programmer for help here).
If you want to send a push notification by subscription, click the “Send push after Subscription” button - no additional code settings are required for this:
4. Configure the content of the push notification.5. Choose one of two options for the timing of the push notification delivery:
  • Send the push immediately after the event occurs (for example, immediately after the subscriber clicks the “add to cart” button on your website)
  • Send it after a specified amount of time (custom time)
6. To initiate the event-triggered push notification sending, click Start sending.

Periodical push

Periodical push is intended for sending push notifications at a set frequency. You can configure it to send every day at a specific time, on certain days of the week and month at a designated time, or with short intervals - hourly.This type is convenient for reminders (to remind about a payment, to remind to make a purchase, about a promotion every Monday, etc.), and also if you want to be in constant contact with your audience – for this, the Push Pools tool is very convenient, allowing you to create a pool of different push messages, and instead of one push, you can send these various messages over, say, a month.How to set up Periodical push:
  1. Сlick Add → Push message, enter a name in the pop-up, choose a subscriber base, and on the next page select Periodical push.
  2. Choose who will receive push notifications: all subscribers of the base or a specific segment:
3. Configure the content of your push notification. Periodical push allows for sending not just a single push, but a pool of various pushes. Therefore, you need to choose what you want to send. If it's one push, the process is the same as for One-time push, but be cautious: do not send the same message with short frequency, as this can negatively affect your audience and lead to unsubscribes. If you want to send a variety of different messages, opt for Push pool:
You can create a Push pool in the Content - Push pools section in advance and select the created pool from the dropdown menu during the campaign setup. Alternatively, you can click Create a new pool and create it during the dispatch setup. Specify the Target URL - it will be the same for all the pushes in the pool.4. Choose the frequency for sending push notifications:
  • Every day at the specified time
  • Weekly on selected days, at the specified time
  • Monthly on selected days, at the specified time
  • Every n hours/minutes
6. To start the periodic push sending, click Start sending.
If you are creating a periodical campaign using a push pool, you can analyze the content using the Content insights option. You can find it on the Push dashboard by calling three dots menu:
Here you can see all the variations of push notifications that you have created using Push pools, and you will be able to analyze which variation is the most effective. The available metrics are: Sent, Impressions, Unique clicks, Clicks, Conversions, Revenue, CTR.
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