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What is a Pop-Up Notification: The Ultimate Beginner's Guide

Published: November, 2023
Last updated: : November, 2023
Some people think that pop up messages are these little boxes with eye-catching text that disrupt our focus. However, marketers know they are powerful tools for attracting attention and driving action.Whether you love them or find them annoying, there's no denying that pop up messages play a significant role in the digital customer experience. That’s why you need to learn how to take advantage of them.In this guide, we’ll explain what a pop up notification is, the difference between push and pop up messages, and why they're crucial for your online business growth. Plus, you’ll learn how to incorporate pop ups into your marketing plan and build a campaign around them. Keep reading to find out more!

What is a pop-up notification

A pop-up, pop up, or popup notification is an interactive, attention-grabbing message that appears on a user's device screen in response to a certain action. It is typically displayed in the form of a small window or box and is designed to provide important information to the user without interrupting their current task. Popup messages are commonly used in mobile apps, web browsers, and operating systems to notify users about new offers, updates, or events. They are effective in catching the user's attention and prompting immediate action, such as subscription, purchase, or sign-in.

The difference between push and pop-up messages

Pop up messages are often confused with push notifications. Despite the similarities, there are some key differences between the two. Push notifications can be sent to a user’s device even when the user is not actively using the app. That way, they can see them on the lock screen or as a banner without opening the app. These alerts can contain reminders, offers, or important updates. In contrast, pop up notifications are usually behavior-based and depend on how users interact with a website or app. Pop ups may appear depending on clicks, scrolling speed, or amount of time spent on the page.

6 Types of pop-up notifications

We’re sure you’ve come across a pop up message before. However, professionals like you need to know the various types of pop ups, their purpose, and content to use them effectively in your marketing.1. Welcome matAs soon as a new visitor lands on your home page, a welcome mat appears. Such a pop up message is sure to convert a new visitor into a customer by offering them an incentive. It can be a discount, a special promotion, or a free gift with the first purchase.
2. Exit intentThis pop message appears when a user is about to leave the site and shows clear signs of disengagement. For example, moving the cursor toward the “back” or tab’s close button.
3. Countdown timer A popup message with a countdown timer urges website users to take a certain action, such as making a purchase or signing up for a newsletter, before the time runs out. This marketing trick makes people perceive options as limited, prompting them to make a quick decision.
4. LightboxSimilar to a lightbox, a lightbox pop up highlights an important message in a window while leaving the background dimmed. This allows you to minimize distractions and focus users' attention on your offer.
5. Full-screenA full-screen popup message covers the entire screen, leaving website visitors no choice but to engage with your content. This hard-to-miss notification is ideal for promoting subscriptions, limited-time offers, and important updates.
6. Push notificationpush notification is a type of pop up message that doesn’t require active user interaction on your website or app. If a user opts in to receive pushes, you can send them notifications at any time to inform them about special offers, new content, or updates.

Why pop-up messages are crucial for your online business growth

Marketers often have limited budgets but are expected to deliver outstanding results. With pop up notifications, you can skyrocket your conversion rates while staying within your budget. According to OptiMonk, ​​the average conversion rate is 11.09% for pop ups. This all-in-one marketing tool can serve multiple purposes at once and save you money in the long run. Discover what you can do with the help of pop up notifications:
  • engage your audience, 
  • reduce the bounce rate, 
  • build brand awareness,
  • generate subscribers,
  • gather feedback, 
  • generate leads,
  • promote your product or service,
  • boost sales.

How to leverage pop up messaging in your marketing strategy

Whether you're just getting started with pop ups or have already used them to grab user’s attention, you need a good marketing plan to set yourself up for future success. Here are a few tips on how to effectively use pop up messaging in your marketing strategy.1. Segment your visitorsFirst, you must segment your audience based on their interests, demographics, behavior, or other variables. All to create customized messages for each segment and ensure that they reach the right audience, increasing the chances of conversion. 2. Use pop ups sparingly Less is always more. That’s why it’s better to use fewer pop ups to avoid annoying your website visitors. Instead, make certain your pop messages are strategically placed to grab your visitors' attention at the right moment.3. Make it visually appealingBefore starting to develop design for your notification, familiarize yourself with the latest design trends and best UI and UX practices. This way, you’ll be able to create a visually appealing pop up that catches the user's attention while delivering the desired message.Pro tip: if you want to make sure that your notification doesn't overwhelm the user, opt for a clean and simple visuals. Nothing beats the timeless appeal of minimalist design. 4. Make it easy-to-readAfter your marketing window popped up, you have only a few seconds to engage a user. While visually appealing graphics can be helpful, it's equally important to make your message easy to digest. Create catchy texts that can be easily understood at a glance. 5. Use a good timingFor your pop up to work, you need to make sure it appears when the user is most likely to engage with it. Analyze user behavior and study patterns to determine the optimal timing for your pop notification to appear. Also, consider using call-to-action buttons to encourage visitors to make faster decisions and improve the user experience. 6. Offer valuable content Finally, one of the most important tips for today — offer valuable content worthy of the user's attention. It could be a discount, a free download, or exclusive access to your next event. This way, you’ll have more chances to convert your website visitors into customers. 7. Use NashPush to easily create a push notification campaignOnce you decide on the message and design of your notifications, you can simply input the necessary information into NashPush's fast and user-friendly interface. Nashpush is a user-oriented notification service that allows you to easily customize and schedule your notifications. With the help of this platform, you can quickly create a push notification campaign and spend more time focusing on other marketing tasks. 

Bottom line

The use of pop up messages can be a game-changer for businesses looking to engage and convert their website visitors. However, to create a popped up message that works rather than annoys, you should follow industry best practices. So, be sure to use our expert tips wisely to make the most out of this powerful tool in your marketing arsenal.