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Action Buttons: The Powerhouse of User Interaction

Published: November, 2023
Last updated: : November, 2023
Both UX writers and designers know that small elements hold the greatest power. One such element is the action button. Often overlooked and taken for granted, these unassuming buttons are the powerhouse of user interaction. Action buttons offer users a world of possibilities at their fingertips. With a simple click, they can initiate a chain of events, trigger a response, or set a user on a new path. And yet, many businesses are missing out on the opportunity to effectively incorporate them in their push campaigns. To change that, we’ll explain the role of interactive buttons in push messages, how they drive engagement, and how to add action buttons to your notifications. But for starters, let’s learn more about what interactive buttons are, how they work, and what are the best call-to-action button examples. 

What are action buttons?

Action buttons, or call-to-action buttons, are interactive elements that help users perform specific tasks or actions in a digital interface. They usually have a simple design and a clear message that encourages users to take a desired action with the text they see.These buttons offer users convenient shortcuts to perform tasks that would otherwise require opening a new web page or app. By clicking a call-to-action button, users can initiate actions such as creating an account, submitting a form, or purchasing a product or service.

How action buttons work

Action buttons give users visual cues to navigate through any digital interface. They are often designed in such a way that a user can easily see and interact with them. All in the hope that people will take the necessary steps to redirect them to another page, confirm an action, or save their changes.The mechanism behind these interactive buttons is quite simple. When you click on it, the button triggers a specific action programmed within the app or website. After that, a user can submit the form or save the information without performing additional steps. However, the button can also contain a URL that should be the final destination for a user.

Best call-to-action button examples

In order for interactive buttons to work properly, they must be: 
  • brightly colored, 
  • prominently placed, 
  • contain clickable text.
Some examples of the most basic and best CTA buttons include “Sign up”, "Share", "Save", "Copy", and "Next". These are simple but effective labels that clearly communicate to the user what will happen if they click the button.

The role of action buttons in push notifications

Call-to-action buttons in push notifications work as a form of marketing automation. They eliminate time-consuming actions in order for users to perform a wished-for task. Best call-to-action buttons, which say things like "Book a demo", "Create an order", or "Contact us", help users navigate the marketing funnel more easily by giving them clear instructions on what to do next.

Why interactive buttons in push notifications are effective

Both web and mobile push notifications are effective forms of marketing communication. They are only sent to users who have agreed to receive them. No wonder 78% of businesses have adopted push messages, according to the CleverTap survey. However, push notifications are more effective with action buttons. The Vineyard saw a 32.12% boost in CTR after switching from a text-based to a button-based CTA.

What call-to-action buttons to use to drive push engagement

The choice of CTA buttons in your push campaigns depends on their specific goals. Nevertheless, there are some common rules for interactive buttons that everybody can follow. Effective action buttons that drive push engagement should: 
  • be clearly visible,
  • be error-free,
  • be written concisely and clearly,
  • contain strong, action-oriented language,
  • explain to the user what will happen next.
Get inspired by our call-to-action button examples to make your push notification campaigns stand out.

Motivate users to explore

  • Explore more ideas
  • Get the full version
  • Read the full story
  • Discover collection
  • Learn more
  • Read more

Create a sense of urgency

  • Shop the latest collection today
  • Get exclusive access today
  • Shop the final hours
  • Secure your spot
  • Last chance
  • Claim it

Inspire customers to buy

  • New offer
  • Shop new collection
  • Start free trial
  • Get your discount
  • Activate your discount code
  • Try it out

Make it benefit-based

  • Get 50% off
  • Start saving money today
  • Claim your discount
  • Claim your free consultation

Set a reminder

  • Remind me later
  • Save to calendar
Despite the myriad of good call-to-action button examples, you never know which one will work best. That’s why we recommend doing A/B testing. It will help you identify the most effective ones and include them in your next push notification campaign.

How to add action buttons to your notifications

Adding action buttons to your push alerts might seem intimidating at first. We get it; from a distance, this process appears to be complex. However, with services like Nashpush, setting up a push campaign with CTA buttons is a breeze. Nashpush is a push notifications platform that helps businesses automate their push campaigns. All to elevate user experience, drive user engagement, and boost earnings. With Nashpush’s easy-to-use website and user-friendly interface, you can quickly create and customize your push notifications. To create a push campaign with CTA buttons in 15 minutes, do the following:Step 1: register an account on Nashpush websiteStep 2: create a database on the platform Step 3: add Nashpush code to your siteStep 4: set up your push notification campaign with customized messages and multiple button actionsStep 5: start a campaign and enjoy the resultsFor more info see the Documentation page.That's all it takes to let your customers know about important updates, new products or services, or special offers. By adding a so-called "click to action" button in your push messages, you can improve user engagement and increase the profitability of your business. 

Key takeaways

Any button, call-to-action button, floating button, or icon, can open the door to a new set of interactions for a user. Therefore, incorporating them in push campaigns can be a great way to seamlessly connect users with the right information, products, or services. Just be sure to create personalized push messages with CTA buttons for users to click. With this approach, every time they tap, swipe, or press an action button, your business gets closer to its desired goal.