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User Acquisition with Push Notifications: Going Beyond the Click

Published: September, 2023
Last updated: : September, 2023
To grow, a business needs to gain new users. User acquisition is a process responsible for that. However, we all know that working with existing and warm clients is easier and more rewarding. While most marketing channels are effective at either attracting or retaining users, push notifications can work either way, depending on how you set them up. In this article, discover how push notifications can redefine the way you attract, engage, and retain users.

What is User Acquisition?

User acquisition is a process of attracting new users or customers to a product, service, or platform. This is critical to business growth, especially in the digital age, where many companies rely on online platforms and mobile apps. New user acquisition strategies increase the number of active users, customers, or subscribers, expanding the customer base, increasing revenue, and growing the overall reach and impact of the business or product.44% of companies focus more on customer acquisition than retentionHowever, it is important we get introduced to another concept – customer acquisition. Contrary to user acquisition, which is responsible for attracting new users, customer acquisition focuses on converting these users into paying customers by guiding them through the sales funnel.By improving customer retention by 5%, Bain & Company estimates that profits can increase by 25% to 95%

How Push Notifications Turn User Acquisition into Customer Acquisition

Push notifications can deliver timely, relevant content right to your users' phones, prompting immediate interactions and keeping them engaged. Moreover, personalized messages and reminders encourage ongoing participation and interaction. When set up right, they can build a bridge between user and customer acquisition. But let’s see what type of push notifications can turn new users into engaged users and, eventually, customers. Promote New FeaturesYou can keep your users engaged by sending them notifications about new features and updates that you have released.
Offer Exclusive ContentBy providing users with exclusive content, such as articles, videos, or resources, you will encourage them to revisit your app or website on a regular basis.
Abandoned Cart RecoveryBoost your e-commerce acquisitions by reminding users when items have been left in their shopping carts, encouraging them to complete their purchases.
Time-Limited OffersSending notifications about limited-time offers or discounts, along with a call to action, will help create urgency and encourage immediate action.

How Hard Is It to Set Up a Push Notification Campaign?

If you can believe it, creating a push notification campaign that will attract users and keep them coming back requires 15 minutes of your time to familiarize yourself with the platform and then however much time it takes to produce creatives.If we take Nashpush, for example, then you will need to: Step 1: register with the platformStep 2: create a database on the platform Step 3: integrate Nashpush code to your websiteStep 4: Send your push notification campaigns – however targeted or general you want! You can find more detailed instructions here.That's right; it's that simple. What you have to do next is what you would do with any other marketing channel – test. When it comes to push notifications, you can test different titles, messages, creatives, and links. Nashpush allows you to create dozens of different variations and choose the one that performs most effectively for selected audiences.  

Brief Conclusion 

Having a user database, you can create engaging push notifications to attract new users. But app user acquisition is not the limit when it comes to push campaigns... through engaging messages, you can lead users down the marketing funnel right to the desired action, be it sales or subscription. Thousands of major companies worldwide are leveraging the push notification magic, and you should definitely check it out too.Ready to Convert Users into Customers?Push Here