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Enhancing Connection: Top Push Notification Messaging Strategies

Published: September, 2023
Last updated: : September, 2023
How would you feel if every time you met up with a friend, he started on a random subject or repeated what they said the last time? Probably you would opt out of such a friendship. Well, the same strategy applies to your marketing communications. With so many tracking and targeting tools at our fingertips, delivering relevant content should be a breeze (and a necessity). Messaging strategy is a phenomenon responsible for precisely this. So, let's look at all the basics: What is it, and what are its benefits? But most importantly, how should you implement it to get the most out of it? 

What is a Messaging Strategy?

A messaging strategy outlines how a company or individual communicates with its target audience. It involves creating consistent and compelling messages, a coherent tone of voice, and guidelines to convey information, values, and goals. A messaging strategy aims to ensure that everything you communicate through your channels and platforms aligns with your overall brand identity and resonates with your target audience.'Well, that makes sense, but how do you achieve this coherence and engagement?' — one may ask. To answer this, we want to share 5 tips that will help. And if you use all of them, you will become the Elon Musk, the Frank Sinatra, the Beyoncé of marketing messaging communication.People who use messaging strategy:

Top Push Notification Messaging Strategies 

[but they can be applied to any marketing channel, really]Sure, you have to believe in your product or service because no amount of messaging strategies will help you sell snow in Norway in January. So given that you already have a unique selling proposition, the following strategies will help you make your messages more appealing and engaging to your potential audience. In addition, we decided to include messaging strategy examples so that you’ll get a better idea of how to create a perfect push notification from scratch.Personalization:Tailoring push notifications for individual relevance is one of the best ways to boost user connection. You can deliver messages that resonate with each individual by leveraging user data such as behavior, preferences, and location. Address users by name, recommend products based on browsing history, or inform them about nearby events or offers. Personalization captures attention and creates a sense of being understood and valued.
Clear and Concise Communication: We already live in an age of information overload, so don't make it harder on your users. Make your push notifications concise, relevant, and easy to understand. Whether it's an enticing offer, breaking news, or an exciting feature, please ensure the message is crystal clear and leaves no room for confusion. Luckily, push notifications only allow a limited number of symbols: 
  • For iOS devices, push notifications should ideally have 25–50 characters in the title and up to 150 characters in the message body. Expanded messages can contain up to 7 lines of text. iOS notifications can include rich media such as images, audio, and video. 
  • For Android devices, push notifications should have a max title length of 65 characters and an extended message length of 240. Android notifications can include icons and large banners. Icons and images shorten the length of the push notification text.
Emotional Appeal: Messages that evoke emotions are more likely to resonate with users on a deeper level. Create a sense of connection with emotional triggers in your push notifications. Engaging users' emotions can strengthen a relationship, whether it's excitement, curiosity, urgency, or empathy. To make people feel like they're part of something, use words like "You're Invited" and "Exclusive Access."
Contextual Relevance: Send timely, relevant messages based on user actions and preferences. For example, if a user adds items to their cart but doesn't complete the purchase, send an abandoned cart notification with a gentle nudge to complete the transaction. Use behavior-based messaging to get users to take action and keep them engaged.
Testing: Fine-tune messaging strategies based on audience preferences. With push notifications, you can test different titles, messages, images, and even buttons to identify what resonates best with your users. Optimize your messaging with data-driven insights to ensure maximum impact.
You can check out and get inspired by more push notification examples here. ‘Is it all worth it?’ you may ask. Let us introduce you to the benefits of using a coherent messaging strategy in push notifications, and you will decide for yourself.

Benefits of Creating a Coherent Messaging Strategy 

You can improve campaign effectiveness and increase user engagement by using a messaging strategy in a number of ways:Boosted Engagement: Crafting well-thought-out messages tailored to your audience's preferences and behaviors increases the likelihood of capturing their attention and prompting interactions.Improved User Experience: Thoughtful messaging strategies prevent message fatigue and annoyance, leading to a more positive user experience and reduced opt-out rates.Enhanced Brand Perception: Well-crafted, consistent messages convey professionalism and a strong brand identity, contributing to a positive perception of your brand.Higher Conversion Rates: Including compelling calls-to-action and offers in your messaging can increase click-through and conversion rates.Building Loyalty: Engaging messages that resonate with users fosters a sense of loyalty and brand affinity, encouraging long-term engagement.With a messaging strategy, you can connect with your audience on a deeper level, drive desired actions, and meet conversion and engagement goals.

Dangers of Not Using a Messaging Strategy 

To be honest, 'danger' might be a bit strong. But in reality, your business will suffer if you ignore a messaging strategy completely. Why? Simply because you won't be able to engage users with incoherent and irrelevant messaging. Which will eventually lead to lower conversions and other horrors… 🧟
Message Fatigue: Excessive or repetitive messaging can tire users. As a result, users ignore or unsubscribe from notifications, diminishing their effectiveness.Brand Dilution: Without a cohesive messaging strategy, a brand's value proposition and unique selling points may be diluted, resulting in diminished brand recognition.Low Engagement: When messages fail to resonate, user engagement drops. This can impact user interaction with business products, services, and promotions, hindering growth.Missed Opportunities: Without a strategy, businesses might miss valuable opportunities to engage users at critical moments. For instance, a forgotten, abandoned cart reminder can cost you sales.Reduced Conversion Rates: Without strategic messaging, calls-to-action and offers may lack impact. As a result, click-through and conversion rates decline, limiting business results.Competitive Disadvantage: Businesses without a messaging strategy risk losing out to competitors who are effectively engaging and resonating with their audiences.

Where to Start?

We suggest you start with a user-friendly push notification platform that is:a) easy to useb) has all the necessary features. Do we have something in mind? Well, Nashpush has proven itself well, according to its clients. With features like ‘testing,’ ‘scheduling,’ ‘segmentation,’ ‘targeting,’ and ‘analytics’ you can easily set up an efficient messaging strategy. As for the pricing, it will cost you from $9/month for a basic plan, plus$3/1000 users in your database.


Can a business manage without a messaging strategy? In short, yes. Will it blossom and grow to its fullest potential? Probably not. Why? The mixed and incoherent messaging you send will confuse your users and customers, resulting in poor engagement and weaker brand recognition and ultimately leading to them opting out of your business communications altogether.Crafting a cohesive messaging strategy isn't hard and it pays off. We suggest you start with simple and easy-to-track channels, like, for example, push notifications.Want Your Messaging Strategy to Be Clear and Concise?Push Here