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The Best Practices for Pop-Up Messaging: Strategies, Examples, and Benefits for Boosting Conversions

Published: January, 2024
Last updated: : January, 2024
Have you ever heard such kind of thing, “Ohh, again this awful advertisement! “Why do I need these pop-ups?” 😱That’s true. Pop-ups have an unflattering fame of something annoying. But that’s only the case with bad and not working ones! Ask yourself, why do you think pop-ups do not work? 🧐The tune in your head can be something like, “I don't like them, and neither do my friends. Therefore, no one likes them.”🤓 The best advice here is: DO NOT make fast decisions. When implemented correctly, this advertisement can be your killer weapon and help boost conversions to new heights! The key lies in understanding that it's not the concept of pop-ups itself that's problematic; it's how they are presented. So, whether you are a fresher or a passionate entrepreneur dipping your toes into the marketing space, use this article as your roadmap to learn about:
  • What is a popup
  • Why pop-up messages are so important for your marketing strategy
  • What are the best ways to use pop up messaging, according to the type. 
Let’s start the ball rolling!

What is a pop up

Pop-up messages are small graphical user interface (GUI) elements that appear on a screen due to a specific trigger or action. These eye-catching messages are designed to grab the user's attention and convey information or prompts. Pop-up messages are commonly used in various software applications, websites, and operating systems.You may definitely face pop ups, and know — they could be annoying. Do not worry. You are not alone, and pop-up messages can be controversial by their nature. What to say, even its’ inventor has publicly apologized for his own “child.” But why does this happen? On the one hand, by using a pop up message, you are about to interrupt user experience and irritate your audience (potentially). Just imagine a person trying to focus on content but is bombarded with big messages covering the whole page. Unwanted experience. On the other hand, when used to point, a popped up message could be a functional addition, super flexible in its functionality, and help move users to the sales funnel. 

How do pop-ups work? 

Pop-ups are activated by specific actions on a website or within a software application. Common triggers include spending a certain amount of time on a page, clicking a button, or attempting to exit a site. These messages are implemented using a combination of JavaScript, HTML, or CSS. Pop-ups can appear in the form of a small window or an overlay that the whole screen. The content can range from simple text and images to interactive elements. The behavior of pop-ups can vary, and some may have options for users to dismiss them or engage further. Now, let’s proceed to the benefits and discover why you should not cross out pop-up messages in your marketing strategy. 

Benefits of pop up messages

Redefine your perception of pop-ups with this list of benefits!

1. Capturing Attention Effectively

The pop message is designed to be an attention magnet, providing a powerful means to capture a user's focus amidst the vast expanse of digital content. This makes it particularly effective for conveying important information or showcasing time-sensitive promotions that might go unnoticed.

2. Timely Information Delivery

One of the primary virtues of a popup message lies in its ability to deliver information promptly. Whether announcing limited-time offers, updates, or critical notifications, pop-ups ensure users receive timely and relevant information, fostering a sense of real-time interaction.

3. Promoting Special Offers and Promotions

A pop-up message serves as a strategic platform for promoting special offers, discounts, or exclusive deals. By appearing at strategic points during user interaction, these messages can significantly boost awareness of promotions, driving conversions and fostering a sense of urgency among users.

4. Encouraging User Interaction

Well-crafted pop-ups can be interactive, inviting users to participate in surveys, subscribe to newsletters, or engage with specific content. This fosters a two-way communication channel, allowing businesses to gather valuable insights from users and tailor their offerings to meet their needs better.

5. Enhancing User Experience with Personalization

Pop-up messages provide an opportunity for personalized communication. By leveraging user data and behavior patterns, businesses can tailor pop-ups to individual preferences, creating a more personalized and engaging user experience that resonates with the specific interests of each user.

6. Minimizing Abandoned Actions

Confirmation pop-ups play a pivotal role in minimizing the risk of accidental actions. By prompting users to confirm critical actions like form submissions or deletions, these pop-ups act as a safety net, reducing the likelihood of errors and enhancing the overall user experience.

Types of popup messages

Now that you know about pop-ups' benefits, let’s see them in action with some real-life examples!🔷 Informational Pop-Ups:These pop-ups are the heralds of updates and essential information. Whether it's notifying users about system changes, new features, or important announcements, informational pop-ups are designed to convey crucial details in a concise and attention-grabbing manner.
Example: LegoThis type of straightforward pop-up is best due to its minimalism. With its help, users can see what they can find on the website. It is important that Lego uses its brand palette and makes a whole message in a playful manner. Lesson learned: Do not fear to experiment with your popup message. The middle golden balances simplicity and creativity. Reflecting the brand’s personality is highly recommended!🔷 Promotion and Offer Pop-Ups:A staple in the world of e-commerce and marketing, promotion pop-ups are crafted to showcase special offers, discounts, or exclusive deals. Strategically timed and visually appealing, they aim to entice users to take advantage of limited-time promotions, thereby boosting conversion rates.
Example: Buth&BodyWith the help of such visual elements as hearts between words, Buth&Body positions itself as a friendly and easy-to-communicate company. The “Join the VIPs” button cleverly creates a sense of exclusivity, and the note regarding the money appearing in your wallet within 72 hours makes users feel comfortable and valued. Lesson learned: Play on the desire of customers to feel themselves unique. Make them feel a part of an exclusive community and establish a positive tone of voice. 🔷 Subscription Pop-Ups:Subscription pop-ups are the gatekeepers of audience growth. When users visit a website, these messages invite them to subscribe to newsletters, updates, or exclusive content. By seamlessly integrating with the user experience, subscription pop-ups play a crucial role in building and maintaining a loyal audience.
Example: MeUndiesThis pop-up made by MeUndies offers 15% off to its visitors. The company used a fascinating CTA, “I’d like the best emails in town, please,” which signifies the quality of the brand’s messaging. Lesson learned: Create engaging and creative CTAs that resonate with the brand’s identity. 🔷 Exit-Intent Pop-Ups:Cleverly designed to detect when a user is about to leave a website, exit-intent pop-ups aim to retain their attention. These messages may offer special discounts, present last-minute deals, or provide incentives to encourage users to reconsider their decision to exit.
Example: AdidasFrom the first sentence, Adidas wants readers to know they might get something special if they stay on the website. A creative CTA does its job well!Lesson learned: There is always a chance to grab users’ attention. The right words at the right time can help to retain users even at the last moment. 
🔷Cookie Consent Pop-Ups:
With increasing privacy concerns, cookie consent pop-ups have become a standard feature on many websites. These messages inform users about using cookies and request their consent, aligning with privacy regulations and fostering transparency in data practices.
Example: IkeaHere is a simple example of a cookie consent pop-up message made by Ikea. While its tone is rather formal, “Hej!” at the beginning makes it look more friendly. Lesson learned: Even formalities can be infused with a touch of warmth and friendliness to enhance user experience. 

Pop-ups VS. Push notifications

Sometimes, it is easy to confuse pop-ups with other types of marketing content, f.e. push notifications. Despite the similarities and the fact that they both aim to capture user attention, provide information, and prompt engagement, these are two different concepts. Push notifications are a powerful way to boost your engagement with users and inform them about important real-time updates, promotions, and relevant content. By leveraging push notifications effectively, you can create a direct line of communication with your audience, prompting timely actions and fostering a stronger connection between your brand and users. This instant and personalized form of communication not only enhances user experience but also increases the likelihood of user retention.Here is an example of a typical push notification used by Starbucks.
Here, Starbucks creates a sense of urgency to promote its seasonal drinks. With big, vivid pictures depicting the best items, Starbucks encourages users to try something new. Here, limited-time offers address such psychological phenomena as FOMO (fear of missing out).While push notifications serve as real-time alerts that appear on a user's device, often delivering time-sensitive information or promotions, pop-ups, on the other hand, typically manifest as graphical overlays on a webpage, aiming to capture immediate attention and convey specific messages. The main difference lies in their presentation and timing within the user experience.So, what to choose? The decision between pop-ups and push notifications depends on your specific goals, target audience, and the nature of your content. Consider the following factors to make an informed choice:💥 Content typeIf your message requires immediate attention, then push notifications are the best choice. On the other hand, pop-ups are suitable for conveying messages within the user's current browsing context.
💥 User experience
Evaluate the impact on user experience. Push notifications do not interrupt user’s activities on the website. At the same time, with pop-ups, there is a risk of people leaving your page due to a certain kind of irritation with unwanted advertisements. This only applies when pop-ups are not carefully timed or are overly intrusive. Striking a balance between capturing attention and respecting the user's browsing experience is crucial.💥 Opt-in ratesWith push notifications, you have control over your alerts. Pop-ups may face challenges with user consent, as some users find them intrusive.

Boost conversions with Nushpush

The key to successful push notification lies in crafting concise and compelling messages that provide immediate value to the user. Since push notifications appear directly on a user's device, it's crucial to make the content clear, relevant, and enticing. With Nushpush, you can strategically time your push notifications to align with the user's journey, providing information or incentives at the most opportune moments. Apply to Nushpush and say goodbye to intrusive and irrelevant advertisements!

To sum up…

Pop-up messages are a good way to grab users' attention and convey important information concisely and immediately. Businesses can effectively communicate promotions, discounts, or critical updates by strategically utilizing pop-ups, ensuring that users are promptly informed about key offerings. When used judiciously, the time-sensitive nature of pop-ups creates a sense of urgency and encourages users to take desired actions promptly.