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Retargeting: learn how to benefit from clients that leave

Published: December, 2023
Last updated: : December, 2023
Retargeting (do not confuse with remarketing!) is a popular online advertising method of reaching out to customers leaving your site without converting. Stats say that 97% of people commonly leave the page they've first visited without buying. In other words, you'll make only three purchases out of 100 visitors. The reasons are different. Whether interrupted by a ringing phone or lured away by another compelling article, the challenge lies in the fleeting nature of online attention spans.  The main thing: if not immediately interested, potential clients are lost forever (unless you can bring them back!). Read this article and learn:
  • What is retarketing ads
  • Why retarketing ads are important
  • When should you use retarketing campaigns
  • What are the best tools for retargeting
Embark on this journey with us to decode the art and science of retargeting, unlocking the potential to convert lost opportunities into lasting customer engagements.

What is retarketing in advertising

In an ideal world, every client visiting your website makes a purchase, downloads your eBook, signs up for the newsletter, or completes another action you want. However, in reality, it is hardly ever like that. Before someone decides to buy your product or service, they need to feel like they know you. A rule of thumb says that to help customers make up their minds, they must hear your message at least seven times. And here, retargeting advertising comes into play. Retargeting helps to win back your customers by sending emails,  SMS and displaying relevant ads for the products and services they viewed. This is a good strategy because of several reasons. Since you don't have users' emails or phone numbers, you can reach them via pixels and cookies (see a detailed explanation below). Another option is to start with the list of existing customers and show them new features you can offer. This method yields great results (especially for those not active on the platform). Compelling retargeting ad includes such elements:✅ Engaging headline✅ Visually appealing media (such as an animation)✅ Click-worthy CTA button

Benefits of retargeting ads

1. Your customer already knows youCompared to messages from complete strangers, your brand has already established a connection, creating a more friendly environment for subsequent interactions.2. Save money and grow your businessThe resources required to introduce your brand from scratch are significantly higher than nurturing an existing connection. Retargeting optimizes your marketing budget by honing in on a pre-qualified audience and maximizing the impact of your advertising efforts.3. Retargeting is fast Once implemented, it's automated and does not need human intervention.  This automation expedites the delivery of targeted ads to users who have previously interacted with your website. As a result, your marketing efforts remain dynamic and responsive, adapting in real-time to users' behaviors.4. Promote new or popular productsBy strategically deploying digital advertising retargeting, you can showcase these offerings to individuals who have already expressed interest in your brand. This is particularly powerful for promoting products that might have been browsed but not purchased during a previous visit.

How retargeting works

Retargeting mobile advertising is implemented by adding a small piece of code (named HTML tracking pixel and specialized Javascript) to your website's page, typically in the footer. The tracking pixel tells whether a user has completed a purchase. This helps in ongoing campaigns, selling add-ons, and advertising based on previous purchases. How does it work? When a visitor finds your website, a tracking unobtrusive pixel is embedded in his browser. This pixel serves as a digital beacon, allowing the advertising platform to recognize and trace the user across other websites and social media platforms where your targeted ads can engage them. The pixel sends anonymous data about the customer back to the website’s server log files. Pixels mustn't use visitors' personal data, such as names or addresses. Instead, they capture the user's IP, enabling effective delivery of retargeting ads.Apart from IPs, pixels can monitor various user actions:
  • Page views
  • Downloads
  • Purchases
  • Clicks
  • Form submissions
  • Operating system
  • Browser type
  • Screen resolution
  • Time the website was visited
  • Activities on the website

What can you do with the help of retargeting ads? 

👉 Make personal offers to people who have visit specific ecommerce pagesRetargeting allows you to create personalized ad campaigns for users who have visited specific pages on your e-commerce site. For example, if someone scrolls down a particular product, you can show them ads featuring products from that category. This personalized approach increases the chances of conversion as it aligns with the user's specific interests.👉 Encourage return users who have not filled out the form or made a purchaseSome users might visit your website, browse products, but leave without completing a desired action, such as filling out a form or purchasing. Retargeting helps you reach out to these users with reminders or incentives. You can create ads emphasizing the benefits of completing the action, offer discounts, or highlight limited-time promotions to encourage them to return and convert.👉 Re-engage abandoned shopping cartsCart abandonment is a common challenge for e-commerce businesses. Retargeting allows you to remind users about items left in their shopping carts. You can display ads showcasing abandoned products and offer discounts or free shipping to entice them to complete the purchase. This strategy effectively recovers potentially lost sales and reduces cart abandonment rates.👉 Upsell and cross-sell based on previous purchasesRetargeting can be used to upsell or cross-sell products to customers based on their previous purchases. For instance, if a customer has bought a camera, you can show ads for complementary products such as camera accessories or photography courses. This strategy leverages the customer's existing interests and behavior, making the upsell or cross-sell more relevant and likely to resonate with them.

Tools for retargeting

Businesses can leverage various tools and platforms for remarketing across different channels. Here are some popular ones:
  • Email marketing
What is retargeting in email marketing? Basically, you can benefit from this option either via Mailchimp or a constant contact. Mailchimp, for instance, stands out for its intuitive interface and automation capabilities, while Constant Contact offers user-friendly tools for crafting targeted emails.
  • Facebook ads manager
Social media platforms like  Facebook or Instagram offer broad reach and the ability to showcase visually engaging content. The platforms also provide detailed analytics for tracking ad performance.
  • Push notifications
Push notifications are messages sent directly to users' devices. Push notifications provide a real-time and direct way to re-engage users. They can effectively bring users back to an app or website.
An example of a noteworthy push notifications platform is Nashpush, tool that facilitates seamless communication with subscribers. By leveraging Nashpush, businesses can build a subscriber base and, as statistics suggest, boost sales by up to 20%. With the help of Nashpush, you can collect a subscriber base on your site and send your push to your customers. This increases sales by 20%, according to statistics. Learn how to launch your first push campaign.


The ability to rekindle interest through retargeting is a vital aspect of the strategy's power. In a digital landscape saturated with distractions, the journey of a potential customer often involves multiple touchpoints. Retargeting ensures that your brand remains at the forefront of their minds, offering personalized interactions that resonate with their interests and preferences.This article has showcased the diverse applications of retargeting, from personalized offers based on specific page visits to reengaging users who have not completed desired actions, such as form submissions or purchases. Apply to  Nashpush and embrace the full power of such an important tool as retargeting!