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Top 4 Advertising Trends 2023-2024 to Watch

Published: October, 2023
Last updated: : October, 2023
'Six Marketing Trends You Have to Follow' or '10 Trends Your Business Can't Live Without,' etc. Every year we see articles about advertising trends flooding our information space. As a result, we develop a certain sense of blindness toward these articles, thinking that: a) some of them just migrate from year to year without ever really taking off, b) others will come and pass (Clubhouse invites, anyone?) or c) we will eventually find out from someone else.While some of these thought processes might be true, we'd say in this day of ultra-high competition, it makes sense to know the current trends in advertising beforehand. Because by keeping up with the new advertising trends, you can stay ahead of market shifts, tailor your strategies to changing consumer preferences, and create more impactful campaigns, ultimately driving engagement, brand loyalty, and revenue.

First-Party Data

First-party data refers to information gathered directly from their audience, website visitors, or customers. Unlike third-party data acquired from external sources, first-party data offers a more accurate and credible representation of user behaviors, preferences, and interactions.With Google's 🍪-crumbling announcement in early 2020, first-party data came out of the shadows of its previously more popular counterpart – third-party cookies. Additionally, various platforms' updated and more privacy-oriented policies contributed to the third-party cookie departure from the marketing and advertising landscape (at least to the extent that it was used before).As a result, advertisers and publishers have started and continue looking for ways to target their audiences with alternative options. First-party data seems to tick all the compliance and regulatory boxes. With this digital advertising trend, brands and publishers can optimize their strategies, create more meaningful interactions, and stay ahead in a competitive market.5 unbeatable advantages of first-party data:
  1. Accuracy and Reliability: Data collected directly from users is more accurate and reliable since it is controlled and bias-free.
  2. Specificity and Targeting: First-party data allows advertisers to build trust with customers by creating personalized user experiences.
  3. Transparency and Compliance: Unlike potentially opaque third-party data collection methods, the collection of first-party data is transparent and easily auditable.
  4. Value: Using first-party data results in more effective and profitable advertising campaigns due to its accuracy, specificity, and transparency.
  5. Control: First-party data gives advertisers greater control over data collection and usage, enabling them to tailor campaigns for each user to achieve better results. 
So, by using marketing channels that work with first-party data, like push notifications, you will already take away all the potential headaches related to the misuse of third-party data and privacy policies.

Personalization 2.0 

Personalization is the practice of tailoring content, products, and experiences to users' preferences and needs. It kind of stems from the first-party data trend, as one would need user data and databases to segment and target users directly. Over 70% of customers expect brands to deliver personalized experiences, and over 40% say they are frustrated when content is impersonal.It has become a prominent trend in advertising due to its ability to create meaningful connections with consumers. Individualized ads cut through the clutter by delivering messages that resonate with people's preferences, behaviors, and needs. A brand can boost customer engagement, foster brand loyalty, and drive better results by tailoring content to specific audiences. Data and technology have made it possible for advertisers to create hyper-targeted campaigns, which makes personalization a crucial strategy for capturing attention.For instance, data shows that personalized content is deemed  more effective by 48% of respondents and much more effective by 32%.
With personalized messages, you can contact the user at any point in their customer journey, engaging with them and addressing them by name, as well as retargeting them when they abandon a shopping cart. With this said, keep in mind that the size of the product recommendation market is expected to grow from $5 to $21 billion from 2018 to 2028. Meaning customized promotions, individual recommendations, and offers will skyrocket even more.In 2023-2024, anonymized visitor personalization will be a big thing because many shoppers prefer to ‘continue as a guest’ but still want a personalized experience. Utilize in-app and in-browser messaging and a cross-channel approach to personalize the anonymous user experience. 

Automation and AI

Artificial intelligence and automation help streamline operations and improve efficiency by automating tasks, making decisions, and completing processes without human intervention. With AI technologies, brands can connect with their audiences at the right time with relevant content through data-driven decisions, predictive analysis, and real-time responses. Over the past year, confidence in AI significantly increased in 40% of the Ultimate Trends survey respondents and somewhat increased in 52%. But, honestly, you and we can see the exponential growth of AI tools without any reports.Thanks to groundbreaking advances in conversational AI like ChatGPT, 2023 marks the year people get excited – and stay excited – about artificial intelligence.
Reetu Kainulainen, CEO and Co-founder, Ultimate
AI and automation can revolutionize push notifications by enabling hyper-personalization, optimal timing, and predictive content. By automating notifications based on user behavior and real-time data, you can make sure they're sent at the right time, increasing engagement. Furthermore, AI-powered algorithms can predict user interests and deliver relevant content, improving the user experience. With AI and automation, push notifications become more effective, efficient, and impactful, resulting in higher engagement and conversions.

Omnichannel Presence

An omnichannel presence emphasizes the seamless integration of various communication channels to create a cohesive brand experience. According to McKinsey, 60%-70% of shoppers make decisions based on omnichannel marketing. An omnichannel shopping strategy combines online and offline channels to give customers a consistent and unified shopping experience. Push notifications play an important role in this approach because they act as a bridge between different touchpoints, allowing brands to maintain consistent messaging and engagement across all platforms. With push notifications, brands can stay in touch with users wherever they are, delivering timely updates, personalized offers, and interesting content. In an omnichannel strategy, push notifications enhance brand recognition, customer loyalty, and overall marketing effectiveness.

Trendy Takeaways

What can we say? You can no longer hang a two by two banner outside your physical store and expect your target audience to know about your brand. Today, you have to use all the available tools and be present in as many touchpoints with your users as possible. Sure, you have to have a concise strategy and not overwhelm your users with the same messages across all platforms. But first-party data and personalization techniques should help you with that. Nashpush is an emerging push notification platform with dozens of integrated features that will help you personalize your messages, use automation, and leverage the omnichannel approach (if you are not using it yet). All in all, following the trends helps you stay at the forefront of the industry, and isn’t this what we are all after?Want to Test the Latest Trends Already?Push Here